
welcome to yet another "my little world on the internet" site! i don't have many large or elaborate plans for this site, i'm just hoping to learn how to code a bit while i work on making something that is decidedly mine. chances are, this site is going to change a lot in terms of layout over time - "time" in this instance referring to however long it takes for me to sit down and actually learn how to code things instead of using templates.

with that in mind, many of these pages are going to be nonfunctional or otherwise a huge work in progress.


if you have absolutely no regard to read through my site, that's perfectly fine! i personally wouldn't bother much for a site this rough around the edges. in fact, i'd like to politely request that nobody bothers to look through my site. i'd find it quite embarrassing! i find that many other people create sites in an attempt to harness pure creative freedom and ability to self-express. i, primarily, am creating a site to test my ability to talk at great length for prolonged periods of time to no audience.

that's why as soon as i'm done setting up this first page, i have no intention of updating until i have something a bit more cohesive and worth reading. so again, many links will be broken for the time being, but hopefully at some point i'll channel my inner self-absorption and gain the ability to ramble endlessly about things no one cares about but me!
